Monday, May 21, 2007

Lead vs. Copper Foil for Stained Glass?

Welcome back,

First we want to inform everyone that on top of, we have just registered our domain name for our bigger creation and one that will inform you all about stained glass. will be up and running very soon.

Ok, Now to the good stuff...

Known as the "skeletal frame," lead came or copper foil will help produce your stained glass projects. I was unaware of the difference in the two until I started to listen and learn.

Lead is utilized when putting together large projects or windows. Ready made channel make it easy to slip the glass in, making your glass art look very professional.

Great for large pieces because lead offers additional strength and stability. Most people seem to focus on using copper foil when beginning.

Why? B/C lead require additional tools and instruction which makes things harder and more expensive. We discuss both avenues, but we wanted to make you aware of the pros and cons to each.

Smaller projects are better suited using copper foil. You used to buy the copper foil just like it sounds - a piece of foil. Then you'd use a cutter to make accurate cuts.

Now, thank goodness, you can get copper foil tape which will make your life of making stained glass much easier and less frustrating.

The only problem I have run into utilizing copper foil tape is when I solder, sometimes the glue runs out onto the glass making it look less appealing and hard to clean off.

However, it is much more convenient and easiest to use when beginning stained glass making.

Update: We have just gotten our hands on a wonderful ebook filled with 96 pages of designs and patterns. You can get your hands on this for FREE by signing up for our newsletter at our website or by using the form below our photo to the right.

Til next time, enjoy your stained glass making,

Joe and Randy


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